Practice Productivity: The Image Link

When you’re looking for that next great tip to increase productivity in your practice, take a look at how you and your team members dress and groom. Why? Your visual presence influences those around you, but it also has a powerful effect on you.

It’s called “image management.” It’s the ongoing process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your appearance and the resulting responses in you and others.

How Does Image Management Work?

So, how do dress and grooming affect your team’s self-image and your patient care productivity?

Enhances Professional Appearance – People like to work with, and do business with, people who appear “put together.” A polished look will promote trust and generate positive results.

Builds Confidence – When you feel good about your appearance, you’re more comfortable, confident, capable, cooperative and productive. Strategic appearance standards generate patient confidence in your team and the care you offer.

Shows Organization – Dressing professionally signals that you’re organized, are paying attention to detail, and are prepared and working as a team to provide the ultimate in dental care.

Affects Reputation – Your practice will be judged on your collective appearance as well as the care your team offers. If you’re looking to grow your practice with returning and referring patients, don’t neglect the power of dress and grooming.

There are many ways to dress appropriately, so take some time to define how you want appearance standards to align with your practice and your professional brand. You want to show your team presenting its very best — delivering consistent experiences, growing a happy patient base and improving your bottom line.

Interested in learning more or scheduling a strategy call? Email us at [email protected] or call 269.873.1598