Name Tags? The Answer is Yes.

Name tags seem to be a necessary evil at worst and a conundrum at best. They’re tricky on some types of fabrics, don’t stay in place, are sometimes illegible, constantly fly around on lanyards, and definitely interfere with clothing and accessories. And okay, once and for all, where should they go?
As annoying as they are, name tags are vital in business and clinical scenarios. They may seem superficial, but they’re part of your professional brand and the impression you make on others — especially people you’ve never met before or those seeking confidence in the care you provide.

So name tags need to be worn where they can be seen and read easily. Here are a few tips.

Use your credentials. In the office, list either your first name or full name. Include your credentials (e.g., DDS/RDH/RDA/CDA). When attending meetings or continuing education events, list your complete name used in business along with your credentials.

Place to the right. Putting your tag on your right side will strengthen your presence. With your hand extended, the sight line will be followed up your arm to the name tag, and then to your face and eyes.

Keep it legible. Print when your tag is handwritten.

Wear it securely. When possible, secure lanyards so your name is easy to read.

Provide for guests. Hosting an event? Have preprinted name tags ready for your guests, and blank name tags and dark markers available for those who didn’t RSVP.

Finally, for temps or subs. If you’re the sub and work in different offices, use your own name tag. Practices need to keep name tags with their logos available that can be updated easily by hand.