Heading Back to the Office? Your Professional Image.

As COVID-19 gradually loosens its grip in the U.S., many of us are emerging from confinement and moving toward returning to work that includes our physical presence. While attending a recent “first time this year” in-person networking event, I observed the nervous energy, anxious behaviors and somewhat awkward communications displayed by even highly seasoned professionals. So I thought you might find a refresher valuable about how to present yourself effectively in our new “normal” office lives.

Times of re-entry offer an opportunity to reboot and get things right. Whether you’re working in the online world, in person or in both, some simple techniques can help you position yourself as a professional and set the stage for the business and career success that you desire. Here are some strategies and ideas from our proprietary Image Management Formula that can guide you to landing solidly on your feet.

Know who you’ll be in front of.

Who? Where? How? Why? What are the main categories or types of people/audiences you’ll come in contact with? Are you meeting others onsite at the office, out for coffee or at an event? Or are you making a small presentation or giving a major keynote address?

Don’t just let encounters occur.

With each meeting know what your goals are and define a strategy for your presence to support those goals. Do you think that it doesn’t matter what you wear or how you communicate or act because the others you’re meeting with already know you’re an “expert”? That’s a myth.

Create a presence that shapes credibility, likability and confidence.

Think strategically about how best to present yourself. This will support you internally and also make the best impression on the individual/group you’re in front of. Another myth is the idea that others’ perceptions of you are “soft stuff” and have little to do with the opportunities that come your way. Your professional image often has everything to do with those opportunities!

Be authentic to yourself.

You can fake it until you make it when it comes to creating your own inner confidence. But faking it and being someone you aren’t in how you present yourself will break the bank. Eventually, if not immediately, people will see through the façade. Define and set boundaries for yourself regarding the formality of your behaviors, modes of communication and dress standards. Then remain consistent in the impression you deliver to others, whether it’s online or in person.

When in doubt, don’t.

If you’re feeling uncertain about how best to handle/portray your best professional self in a new world of work, trust your gut and/or consider the professional assistance of a coach or consultant.

A final point…

A final point. Although in-person meetings are increasing as we return to physical-presence offices, the online world is definitely here to stay. Remember that taking the time to polish your digital presence is as important as prepping for an in-person meeting. For more specific online/digital presence strategies, visit www.upyourdigitalgame.com Collaborative work with Act Naturally Studios has created a free, 10-page, downloadable guide that delivers essential tools the pros use to level-up their online presence.

As you make the transition to whatever your new normal work life is going to be, don’t compromise your personal and professional power. By preparing carefully and being strategic about your professional image, you’ll be positioned for success wherever you find yourself.